Data Documentation
The online documentation of the data of the Berlin Aging Study is intended as an instrument to assist researchers who would like to apply for the use of BASE data for a specific research project.
The documentation (in English) provides an overview of:
- the topics dealt with in BASE;
- the variables available in the central BASE data base.

To access the data documentation, you need a password. Please contact the coordinator with information about your research interests and academic affiliation to obtain a password.
Link to Data Documentation (password-protected; see above).
Applying for the Use of BASE Data
Download the form and the data protection information from the margin to the left. Complete the form — information about the researchers involved, the project topic (incl. a one-page abstract), and a list of the desired variables are required. The latter should be listed using the variable names given in the documentation. Note the data protection stipulations!
Upon submission of the completed form to the coordinator, the application is considered by the BASE Speaker. If he approves it, the data are collated and provided electronically.
BASE Publications

Please use the BASE publication list to find out which topics have already been worked on. Along with this website, the main source of basic information is the BASE monograph:
Baltes, P. B., & Mayer, K. U. (Eds.). (2001). The Berlin Aging Study: Aging from 70 to 100 (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.